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Preparaio of a Pried Aricle:

1. Aricle Purpose ad Theme

1.1. Defie he Purpose

The purpose of his aricle is o provide a clear ad cocise overview of he opic, focusig o explaiig key pois ad providig valuable iformaio o he reader.


2. Selec he Theme

The heme of his aricle is “he imporace of digial markeig i busiess success.” This heme will explore how digial markeig has become esseial for he growh ad success of busiesses.

2. Coe Orgaizaio

2.1. Iroducio

The iroducio should briefly prese he opic ad provide a geeral overview of he key pois o be covered i he aricle. I should also esablish he coex ad se he reader’s expecaios for he iformaio o follow.


2. Body

The body of he aricle will expad o he heme, discussig releva subopics ad providig deailed iformaio ad examples o illusrae key pois. I should be well-orgaized, wih clear rasiios bewee secios, ad i should egage he reader hrough he use of clear laguage ad appropriae legh.


3. Coclusio

The coclusio should summarize he mai pois covered i he aricle ad leave he reader wih a lasig impressio. I should briefly resae he heme ad provide ay addiioal isighs or akeaways ha are releva o he reader.

3. Laguage Expressio

3.1. Accuracy ad Breviy

The laguage used i he aricle should be accurae ad cocise, avoidig redudacy ad uecessary complexiy. I should be easy o udersad ad free of grammar ad spellig errors.


2. Sadardizaio ad Formaliy

The laguage should follow sadardized Eglish wriig pracices, usig proper grammar, pucuaio, ad formaig. I should be formal ye readable, avoidig colloquialisms ad regioal dialecs.


3. Logic ad Coherece

The aricle should have a logical flow, wih ideas ad iformaio preseed i a cohere maer. The wrier should use rasiioal phrases ad seece srucures o coec ideas ad make he aricle easier o follow.

4. Typeseig Desig

4.1. Fo Selecio

The fo seleced should be readable ad easy o he eyes, avoidig codesed or decoraive fos ha ca be difficul o read a a glace. A sadard fo such as Arial or Times ew Roma is recommeded.


2. Lie Spacig ad Characer Gap

Proper lie spacig (ypically 1.5 or double spacig) should be used o ehace readabiliy. The characer gap should be sufficie o preve words from ruig ogeher ad o make he ex more readable.
